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   Reasons to "Rule-out" schizophrenia.
   1.  They've never heard voices, and never will.
   2.  Perfectly capable of understanding people's emotions.
   3.  Good looking schizophrenic is an oxymoron.  ie. Symmetry.
   4.  Having an extremely high IQ.
   5.  Having a normal size skull.
   6.  The father was younger than 40 years old at birth.
   7.  They don't have any retrovirus'.
   8.  They have lower levels of dopamine.
   9.  They have a normal fourth ventrical.
 10.  Smoking does not cause schizophrenia.
 11.  Substance Abuse Psychosis is more likely.
 12.  Having illusions, is not having delusions.
 13.  They are not hearing any special messages.
 14.  Are these messages obvious to everyone.?
 15.  Is the person truly being harrassed by other people.?
 16.  100% Prob. of Reverse Speech. 300,000 English Words = (n!) = 300,000 Factorial.
 17.  It is a very Common Sound Effect. It has perspective. Are Rich Bands strange.?
 18.  Are you diagnosing Narcissistic Personality Disorder.?  Is he a celebrity.?
 19.  Is the person truly superior.?  ie. An "I'm God" complex.
 20.  Never use someone else's wrong or incorrect medications.!!
 21.  Their senses are uneffected. eg. Perfect sense of smell.
 22.  They don't have thought disorder. There is a good degree of coherence.
 23.  Never had a delusion in their life. 'Delusion' is a relative concept.
 24.  Illusion is not hallucination.  Have they experimented with LSD.?
 25.  Coherent speech. Is the tip of their tongue cut off.?
 26.  They have never been catatonic.
 27.  They have never been disorganized.
 28.  They h
ave never had any of the negative symptoms. 
 29.  Are they a fully qualified tradesman.?
 30.  Do they have an education.? eg. An Associate Diploma.
 31.  Untreated PTSD could last a life time.
 32.  Do they have a mood disorder.?
 33.  Are they always depressed.?
 34.  Substance Abuse Psychosis is NOT schizophrenia.
 35.  Do they have any autistic behaviour.?
 36.  Has there been a threat to their physical integrity.? eg. Horror.
 37.  Is there any constant recollections of an event.?  eg. Recycling.
 38.  Do they have a sense of living or re-living an experience.?
 39.  Do they have too much exposure to a stimulus.?
 40.  Are they constantly being reminded of an event.?
 41.  Have efforts been made to avoid a trauma.?  eg. Name change.
 42.  Efforts are being made to avoid a group of people.
 43.  Inaccurate memory of the past is not schizophrenia.
 44.  Is there a diminished interest with certain people.?
 45.  Is the person hated by other people.?  eg. Bullying.
 46.  Withdraw from human contact is not schizophrenia.
 47.  Feelings of impending-doom is not schizophrenia.
 48.  Insomnia is not schizophrenia.
 49.  Incompetent people can make anyone angry.
 50.  Are they looking to improve their life or status.?
 51.  The underlying issues might go unnoticed if misdiagnosed.
 52.  Are other people in control of their life.?  eg. Accounts. Goods. Blackmail.
 53.  Dr's Probability of diagnosing schizophrenia should be = 1%
 54.  Schizophrenia should be  1/3  (one third)  of  Bipolar Disorder.
 55.  The doctor should have a  Normal Sampling Distribution.
 56.  Only incompetent Dr's say  "All patients claim Misdiagnosis".
 57.  Has the patient triggered a  "Classically Conditioned Response" in the Dr.?
 58.  Is the doctor diagnosing by using personal preferences.? ie. They like treating it.
 59.  Is the doctor diagnosing using personal desires.?  eg. Dissonance.
 60.  Is the Dr on a  'Mission or Crusade'.?  ie. To cover-up incompetence. Study's.
 61.  Does the hospital unit diagnose schizophrenia excessively.? ie. Favouritism.
 62.  Schizophrenia is NOT more common than Cancer.
 63.  Does the doctor diagnose "mental illness" higher than 20% of the population.?
 64.  Is the doctor in a  "State of Denial".?  eg. He is obviously wrong. Lying.
 65.  Does the doctor have an  "Invincibility Complex".?  eg. "Never wrong".
 66.  Is the doctor's judgement impaired by an addiction.?  eg. Morphine.
 67.  Is the doctor's judgement impaired by age.?  eg. Outdated opinions.
 Schizophrenia can be simply ruled-out using these different ways. 
 Each and every reason standing alone "rules-out" schizophrenia.
 There are many other reasons why a patient might be misdiagnosed.
  My other websites
 Psychiatrist Statistics - Doctor's Incompetence.
 Statistical proof smoking does not cause schizophrenia.
 There is a 100% probability of Reversed Speech.